Event Details

Most botanic gardens struggle to keep up with their plant records. With Hortis, we are rethinking how you can capture data and utilise your plant collection with less effort, so your garden can reach its full potential.

Join us to learn more about Hortis, so we can shape the future of collection managment together.

Try out Hortis at Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam

We will set up a dedicated Hortis site for the event, loaded with data from the garden. Hortis works on any device and requires no installation, so you can bring your phone, a tablet and/or laptop. Fill out the registration form below and we will send you an invite you can use to sign in to Hortis for the workshop.

Meet the team

The four of us will be joining you at the event. We look forward to having the opportunity to learn more about your work and thoughts about the future.



13:00 – Welcome, Tea and Coffee

13:30 – Hortis – One Year of Highlights

14:15 – Hands on with Hortis at De Hortus. Split into groups, we will walk into the garden and try Hortis out on site.

15:30 – Reflections and feedback. What was fun, what was great, what can be improved?

16:15 – Hortis : what’s still to come

17:00 – Borrel (Venue to be decided)


Joining the workshop is free, so we hope to see you there.

Places are limited, so book now to secure your seat.

Try out Hortis in Amsterdam with our Team